K-8 Virtual Learning: Raising the Bar

This webinar covers key considerations for success in K-8 virtual learning, and includes practical examples of how to improve student engagement, curriculum and overall program design. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the success of the Virtual Learning Academy Consortium, gain insights on effective virtual school programs and how they are supported by Calvert.


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What you’ll learn:

  • How to structure programs to increase enrollment
  • Ways to increase student engagement
  • Key considerations for curriculum in virtual learning
  • The research support for Calvert’s curriculum based on How People Learn
  • New opportunities in project-based learning
  • Differences between virtual schools managed by education management organizations, and district-run programs

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About the Presenters

Julie Alspach - virtual learning program administrator Julie Alspach is the program administrator of the Virtual Learning Academy Consortium (VLAC), which provides K-12 virtual learning in partnership with 60 school districts across six counties in Michigan. As an educator, she has taught elementary school, high school English, and special education. Julie was part of the original team at VLAC that piloted home-based learning when K-5 online education first began. Her educational background includes a masters in special education and an Education Specialist in educational leadership. She is currently finishing her doctorate at Oakland University in educational leadership.

David Kanter - Calvert virtual learning expert David Kanter is a learning scientist who has driven a body of design and research work over the past 18 years. While he began his career in biomedical engineering, he has followed his passion for education by focusing on using technology to build innovative K-12 curricula. David’s research has included “active learning” instructional approaches to improve K-12 student learning in close collaboration with district/school leadership and teachers across the U.S. A previous university faculty member, David has directed UX research and impact research for Amplify Education on its K-12 classroom platform and products. He has consulted for clients such as Scholastic, Nick Jr., Pearson, littleBits, and the New York City Department of Education. David received his B.S. in engineering and his B.S. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.